Ticket Custom Fields Have Arrived!

With the release of powderDesk v1.9 you now have access to a powerful new feature, Ticket Custom Fields.  We created this feature to provide our customers with some additional flexibility on their incoming requests.  The way you use this feature is pretty straight forward so I will go over the basics in this post.  However, if you would like a more in-depth review of this (or any other) feature, feel free to schedule a live tour with us!


For convenience, we've added the custom field generator to the interface for your Admin level accounts.  The custom fields can be added to your powderDesk deployment at Configuration > General > Custom Fields.  Just click the orange Create New Ticket Custom Field to begin the process.  There are 5 field types we currently support:


  1. Text Field (256 character max)
  2. On/Off Switch
  3. Select Dropdown (single choice)
  4. Select Dropdown (multiple choice)
  5. Radio Button Group


From the Create/Edit screen you can also select which Request Types this field will be associated with.  In this way, you can create different fields for different types of requests.  For example if you would like to track one set of fields for Hardware Support issues and a separate set of fields for HR requests, powderDesk gives you that flexibility.


Alternately, you can establish a relationship between Custom Fields and Request Types from the Create/Edit screen at Configuration > Tickets > Request Types.





Once your fields have been created and associated with a Request Type, they will be visible in the Ticket Details area for Submitters, Responders, and Admins.







We are always looking to make the user experience as great as possible in powderDesk so we've bundled in a couple of behavior changes and bug fixes with our v1.9 release.  




  • There are now "Select All" and "Clear All" options in each of the ticket filter dropdown menus on the Tickets page.
  • Ticket status values are now displayed alphabetically in the interface.
  • Ticket priority values are now displayed in decreasing order of importance. Importance is determined by the default due hours value that has been defined for each priority in powderDesk.
  • Sorting by the priority column on the Tickets page will now order by importance instead of alphabetical order.




Previously, if a note contained a work minute value but the billing rate had a $0 value assigned to it, that note would not show up as a work item on the invoice.  These line items will now display properly on the invoice showing the work time but a $0 charge tied to it.


In the works:


The next item on our To-Do list is an export API that can pull all powderDesk Ticket data (including Parts & Billing details) into a CSV file. With this file, our customers will be able to run comprehensive reports on their live data!  We will keep you posted as that feature comes online but if you'd like to discuss the roadmap with us, feel free to schedule some time with our team!



Nathan Nadeau

Lead Developer

Spire Business Services

Nathan Nadeau